How are travelogues an important literary source?

Travelogues play a very important role in reconstructing history as:

a. They  give a detailed account about political events, about trade and commerce etc.
b. They  given information about the conditions of people of that period.
c. These accounts also gives us about the functioning style of  rulers and their courts etc.
d. It gives a first hand account/information of the period. as it includes experiences of the travellers.

Some of the important foreign travellers in the medieval period were:

a. AI-Beruni's who  wrote an account  of the rulers of Delhi Sultans
b. Minhaj-us-siraj​, who wrote greately about political events of this period.
c. Marco Polo who vistied South India giving details about the economic conditions of India.
d. Batuta, who visited during Muhamad Bin Tughlaq's reign.
e. Akbar Razzaq who gave an account of Vijayanagar empire.


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Travelogues are an important literary source as they give interesting accounts of foreign travellers.

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A travelogue is an expense report, a journal, a log. It gives a lot of information about the places they visit and the people they met. They are an interesting resource as well as an important literary resource. It may be a geographical or an aquisition that represents a valuable source of study.
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