how can we separate sugar and water.

Sugar dissolved in water can easily be separated by evaporating the water. When all the water is evaporated, it leaves behind a residue which will be sugar.

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 When water and sugar are mixed together, they become a solution. A "solution" refers to any two substances that become a single phase when mixed together. Because the sugar dissolves into the water, it is known as the solute. The water, which does the dissolving, is the solvent. You can use the basic process of evaporation to remove sugar from water.

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A mixture of sugar and water is known as a solution. The sugar turns into a liquid but no chemical change has occurred, meaning the two substances making up the mixture can be separated. When separating a mixture of sugar and water, a chemical reaction needs to occur. The mixture of the water and sugar is known as a homogeneous solution.

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 let the water evaporate and there will be sugar. Then let the water condensate and there will be the water.

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