How did Harris become a victim of an unknown murder? What does this tell you about his character?

Harris was once bathing at Boulogne. He was swimming near the beach, when he felt himself suddenly seized by the neck from behind, and forcibly plunged under water. He struggled violently, but whoever had got hold of him was very powerful, and all his efforts to escape were unavailing. Harris gave up kicking, and surrendered when suddenly his captor released him.

He regained his feet, and looked round for his would-be murderer. The assassin was standing close by him, laughing heartily, but the moment he caught sight of Harris's face, as it emerged from the water, he apologized for his behaviour. He had mistaken Harris for a friend of his and that's why played this prank on him.

The way Harris got immensely scared during the attack and surrendered to the situation reflects his meek character.

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