How did Hitler reconstruct Germany and how did he rise to power?Explain hitlers view about the world(in60-70 words)

 Hitler’s Rise to Power
1889: Hitler was born in Austria.
 1919: He joined a small group called the German Worker’s Party; he later took over
the organization and renamed it as the National Socialist German Workers Party
(popularly known as the Nazi party).
 By 1932, the Nazi party had become the largest party with 37 %votes in the Reichstagthe German parliament.
Hitler promised to build a strong nation, undo the injustice of the Versailles treaty,
restore the dignity of the German people, provide employment and resist all foreign
conspiracies and influences.
The red banners with the Swastika, the Nazi salute and the ritualized rounds of applause
after the speeches demonstrated the support for Hitler.


hitler reconstruct germany with pure aryans:_

1. he wanted only pure aryans in his country , so that he started eliminating all the other undesirables

2. He also eliminates abnormal or unhealthy aryans

3. Jews have to face the final solution as they are not nordic aryans..

thumb up plz..

National Socialism represented much more than a political movement. Nazi leaders who came to power in January 1933 desired more than to gain political authority, to revise the Versailles Treaty, and to regain and expand upon those lands lost after a humiliating defeat in World War I. They also wanted to change the cultural landscape: to return the country to traditional “German” and “Nordic” values, to excise or circumscribe Jewish, “foreign,” and “degenerate” influences, and to shape a racial community (“Volksgemeinschaft”) which aligned with Nazi ideals.

These ideals were at times contradictory: National Socialism was at once modern and anti-modern; it was dynamic and utopian, and yet often hearkened back to an idyllic and romanticized German past. In certain elements, Nazi cultural principles were consistent: they stressed family, race, and Volk as the highest representations of German values. They rejected materialism, cosmopolitanism, and “bourgeois intellectualism,” instead promoting the “German” virtues of loyalty, struggle, self-sacrifice, and discipline. Nazi cultural values also placed great importance on Germans ' harmony with their native soil (Heimat) and with nature, and emphasized the elevation of the Volk and nation above its individual members.

In Nazi Germany, a chief role of culture was to disseminate the Nazi world view. One of the first tasks Nazi leaders undertook upon their ascension to power in early 1933 was a synchronization (Gleichschaltung) of all professional and social organizations with Nazi ideology and policy. The arts and cultural organizations were not exempt from this effort. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, immediately strove to bring the artistic and cultural communities in line with Nazi goals. The government purged cultural organizations of Jews and others alleged to be politically or artistically suspect





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