how did indian s react to the introduction of western style of clothing in india?

Dear student,

The introduction of western style clothing in the 19th century in India meet with severe reactions in different ways:

  • men, began incorporating some elements of western-style clothing in their dress
  • wealthy Parsis of western India were among the first to adapt Western-style clothing
  • To some, Western clothes were a sign of modernity and progress
  • Dalit converts to Christianity found Western-style clothing to be liberating
  • for others Western style clothes was taken as a sign of the world turning upside down
  • Some men  wore Western clothes without giving up their Indian ones. They wore Western attire outside but at home wore Indian clothes.
  • Some others attempted to combine Western and Indian forms of dressing

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The indians reacted in following ways-

1.many especially men did not corporate some elements of western style clothing in their dress.for example-parsis.

2.others reacted rude in their approach.they knew that western could lead to loss of traditional cultural identity. example- bengali people,they made fun of those who wore western clothes.

3.they started wearing western clothes to work without giving up their indian ones.

4.they changed the western clothes in to indian clothes by wearing in homes.

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