how did the french revolution end all the distinctions imposed by the sumptuary law?

Dear Student, 

Post French Revolution, there were following ways in which sumptuary laws were abolished:

  •  Both men and women began wearing clothing that was loose and comfortable. 
  • The colours of France – blue, white and red – became popular as they were a sign of the patriotic citizen. 
  • Other political symbols too became a part of dress: the red cap of liberty, long trousers and the revolutionary cockade pinned on to a hat. 
  • The simplicity of clothing was meant to express the idea of equality.

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 By the middle of the 17th century, most of them had gone of out of fashion. 

Although you could argue the point that the Smoking ban and the drinking of Alcohol in public places is a Sumptuary Law

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 Sumptuary laws (from Latin sumptuariae leges) are laws that attempt to regulate habits of consumption. Black's Law Dictionary defines them as if "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc."]Traditionally, they were laws that regulated and reinforced social hierarchies and morals through restrictions on clothingfood, and luxury expenditures. In most times and places, they were ineffectual.Throughout history, societies have used sumptuary laws for a variety of purposes. They attempted to regulate the balance of trade by limiting the market for expensive imported goods. They were also an easy way to identify social rank and privilege and often were used for social discrimination.This frequently meant preventing commoners from imitating the appearance of aristocrats and sometimes also to stigmatize disfavored groups. In the Late Middle Ages, sumptuary laws were instituted as a way for the nobility to cap the conspicuous consumption of the prosperous bourgeoisie of medieval cities, and they continued to be used for these purposes well into the 17th century.

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