How do loudness and pitch of sound depend on amplitude and frequency respectively?

If the sound waves have a small amplitude,then the sound will be faint.On the other hand if the sound waves have a large amplitude,then the sound will be loud.

The pitch of a sound is directly proportional to its frequency. Sounds of low frequency are said to have low pitch whereas sounds of high frequency are said to have high pitch.

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The amplitude of a sound wave is the same thing as its loudness. Since sound is a compression wave, its loudness or amplitude would correspond to how much the wave is compressed. 
A sound wave will spread out after it leaves its source, decreasing its amplitude or loudness. 
Pitch depends on the frequency.

IE: Short wavelengts have higher frequency.
The relationship between velocity, wavelength and frequency is:v=wf or velocity=wavelengt X frequency

If there is some absorption in the material, the loudness of the sound will decrease as it moves through the substance. 
If it hits a hard surface it will bounce, (echoe).

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