how do modern industrial chimneys help to reduces air pollution?

Modern industrial chimneys are installed high above the ground so as to reduce the impact of the pollution in the surroundings. Greater the height of a chimney, more is its ability to transfer the toxic gases to the environment. Due to its height, the dispersion of the pollutants is more that can reduce their concentration and impact in particular area. Also the pollutants released from the chimneys become partially or completely neutral before they reach back at ground level. Thus, modern chimneys help to reduce the effect of pollution on the immediate surroundings.

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Burning produces smoke. Smoke contains harmful materials such as carbon dioxide. It also contains other harmful gases. Therefore these chimneys are present away from the people. 
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Burning produces smoke. Smoke contains harmful materials such as carbon dioxide. It also contains other harmful gases. Therefore these chimneys are present away from the people.


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Burning produces smoke. Smoke contains harmful materials such as carbon dioxide. It also contains other harmful gases. Therefore these chimneys are present away from the people.

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some factories have a kind of sieve ont the top of the chimney that seperates some harmfull particles from the smoke and those factories with this sieve thing produce white smoke the others produce blaack smoke.

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