How do you think the rain quenches the thirst of the fields and cures clouds ailment?

The Rain is divine and mystic and it relieves everyone of their misery. The poet calls it a messenger of mercy who not just quenched the thirst of the fields; however, also cured the clouds of their ailment. Here, both are served and they solve each other’s purpose. So, they appear to be lovers that fulfil each other’s needs.

The fields were dry and thirsty, waiting to be nourished and irrigated; they are parched by the drops that rested in the sky’s tomb. Thus, the Earth is brought relief from the dry heat as it drinks down the Rain.

The clouds in turn, heavy with the load of the water they contained, wanted to be relieved of their suffering. So, they cried and cried, poured down and made the sky bright and light. The nimbi get and the atmosphere is cleared after being washed by the rain.

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