how euglena reproduce

binary fission

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The euglena reproduces by fission, splitting lengthwise in two. The flagellum goes with one part and the other part grows a new flagellum.

Euglena undergoes asexual reproduction in order to multiply and follow one of the most simple and common method of asexual reproduction called binary fission. Though it does exhibit some characteristics of animals, there has been no existence of sexual reproduction in it. Binary fission involves mitosis, a cell division process wherein the eukaryotic cell (cell with nucleus) splits the chromosomes (thread like strands of DNA) in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two separated nuclei. Hence, the result of binary fission is two daughter cells which are genetically identical to each other and to the parent.

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by fission (spliting its cell into two)

Euglena undergoes asexual reproduction in order to multiply and follow one of the most simple and common method of asexual reproduction called binary fission. Though it does exhibit some characteristics of animals, there has been no existence of sexual reproduction in it. Binary fission involves mitosis, a cell division process wherein the eukaryotic cell (cell with nucleus) splits the chromosomes (thread like strands of DNA) in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two separated nuclei. Hence, the result of binary fission is two daughter cells which are genetically identical to each other and to the parent.

Like mitosis in animals and plants, during binary fission the nucleus, chloroplasts, and basal bodies all divide in half and then the entire organism separates down the middle. This is followed by the division of the cytoplasm, resulting in two daughter cells, each having almost the same size and genetic composition as the parent. These daughter euglena grow and further divide again. Depending upon the plane of cytoplasmic division, binary fission is categorized into three types: simple (the cytoplasmic division passes through any plane), transverse (the plane of cytoplasmic division coincides with the transverse axis of the organism) and longitudinal (the plane of cytoplasmic division coincides with the longitudinal axis of the organism) binary fission. Hence euglena, reproduce asexually by undergoing longitudinal or lengthwise binary fission.

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longitudinal binary fission

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