How had the ghost of Helen of Troy suffered?

What was the ghost trying to do when she called Hallock a 'traitor' in Oiuja Board party, what was the point? For what did the members of the Book Club blame Hallock?


In the short story The Shady Plot, the Helen of Troy has suffered a lot. The reason has never been explained very specifically. However, she admits it herself that when she was in a human state of being, she used to work as a reader in a magazine. This is when she realised that people don't have enough thoughts coming up to their mind when they write as in a profession.That is all she has to say after which she exclaims, sighs and says: “Those were terrible days.” She admits that she had mistaken purgatory for paradise and now when she has turned into a ghost she understands that something must be done for the same. Thus, after forming a committee in heaven, now ghosts take turn in finding people on earth who have no plots or enough ideas to write about and have a mind soft enough to accept impression.

The reason for the ghost calling Hallock a traitor was the fact that she had forcibly told Hallock to stop his wife and other acquaintances from using the Ouija board that night after which she would help him with a good plot for his ghost story. Even then, his wife and her friends found it a matter of fun to call upon spirits on the Ouija board. This angered and offended the spirit of Helen of Troy who then spelt “TRAITOR” on the board to frighten and harass Hallock. This put an accusation on Hallock as being a traitor or a betrayer as the people of the Book Club didn't quite understand the reason of the proceedings.

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