How is a village panchayat formed?

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The gram sabha elects the village panchayat, i.e., gram panchayat. Each ward elects it's  own representative, who is known as a panch. And the head of this village panchayat is known as the Sarpanch.

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the ward panchs and sarpanch form a gram panchayat . the gram panchayat is elected once  in five years .

hope it helps !!!!!!!

thumps up plzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

thank you !!!!!!

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The members of Gram panchayat are elected by the gram sabha. Seats are reserved for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes. One Third of the total no. of seats are reserved for women. Every Panchayat has a Sarpanch who is elected by the Gram sabha.

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  1. the gram sabha elects the gram pancayat. each ward elects its ownrepresentative who is a panch the head is the sar panch
  2. the ward anch and sarpanch form a gram panchayat  the pancayat is elected after every 5 years
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