how is power shared between sri lanka and belgium ? ( 5 marks )


  1. they recoganised the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities.
  2. their constitution prescribes that the number of french speaking and dutch speaking ministers should be equal in central govt.
  3. state govt are not the subordinate to the central govt.
  4. brussel have a seperate govt which have both communities reperesentation equally.
  5. other than state and central govt they made new form of govt called community govt. this govt have powers regarding cultural, educational, and language related isssues.


  1. They adopted majoritarianism policy. in which the majority govt are more benefited.
  2. they declared sinhala as the official language disregarding tamilians.
  3. this created distrust between the two groups.
  4. thus, there emerged the CIVIL WAR.
  5. even today in srilanka there are problems in the power sharing.

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1 .They adopted a policy of power sharing.

2 . They gave equal powers to all communities.. minor or major doesn’t matter.

3 .It solved the problem.

1 .They adopted a policy of Majoritarionism.

2 . They gave preferences to the majority Sinhala group alone, disregarding the minorty.

3 . It only increased the problem.

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1)they recoganised the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities.

2) their constitution prescribes that the number of french speaking and dutch speaking ministers should be equal in central govt.

3) state govt are not the subordinate to the central govt.

4) brussel have a seperate govt which have both communities reperesentation equally.

5) other than state and central govt they made new form of govt called community govt. this govt have powers regarding cultural, educational, and language related isssues.


1)they adopted majoritarianism policy. in which the majority govt are more benefited.

2) they declared sinhala as the official language disregarding tamilians.

3) this created distrust between the two groups.

4) thus, there emerged the CIVIL WAR.

5) even today in srilanka there are problems in the power sharing.

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There is a correction in the question - it should be 'how is power shared in Sri Lanka and Belgium?'


Power sharing in Sri Lanka - 

  1. The majority Sinhala speaking community tend to have more political and social powers, while the minority Tamil speaking community tend to be suppressed.
  2. The Sinhala speakers are entitled to special priveledges in getting university positions and government jobs.
  3. Sinhala is declared as the only official language of Sri Lanka, showing the majoritarian power of the  Sinhala speakers.

Power sharing in Belgium - 

  1. Political and social powers are equally divided between the French and the Dutch.
  2. There are equal number of French and Dutch representatives in the state assembly and national assembly.
  3. No laws are passed in Belgium unless approved by representatives both the French and Dutch communities.

Hope this helps!!

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