How many Faradays of charge are required to convert

1. 1 mole of Mno4 to Mn2+

2. 1 mole of Cr2O7 2- to Cr3+



·  The reaction can be represented as:

MnO4-     Mn2+

The oxidation number of Mn in MnO4- is +7 and it changes to +2

Hence the 5e- change has taken place, thus

Quantity of charge required=5F=5×96500=482500F



·  The reaction can be represented as:

Cr2O72-      Cr3+


Change in 3e- charge

Quantity of Charge required =3F=3×96500=289500F


Hope it helps.


  • 19

awesome answer and an even better question!!

  • -1
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