how mass of a body is affected on charging?

In the process of charging a body either gains or loses electrons to get negatively or positively charged. This transfer of electrons doesn’t bring any observable change in the mass of the body. Reason being, the mass of electron is very small compared to the charged body.

However, we can still calculate the change in mass of a body due to the charging process.


Suppose a body of mass ‘M’ is given charge +q. Since, charge is quantized, therefore, q = ne.

So, mass of electrons lost is = n × me  [me is the mass of an electron]

Thus, the new mass of the body is = M – n × me

  • 7

on trransfer of charge the mass of body is affected but it is negligible.

electrons have mass and charge transferred is integral multiple of n*mass of electron=mass lost on transfer of electrons.

  • 5

if a body is + vely charged then this means it has lost some electrons and we know electrons hav some mass(but very less) so loss of electrons means loss of mass and hence +vely charged will lose some weight whereas in case of -vely will gain some electrons and thus will gain will weight!

  • 3
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