how was mukesh different from saheb???

Mukesh had a dream and he wanted to become a motor mechanic and wants to drive a car he had a large dream while Sahib only wants to pick rags and after getting job he had lost glow from his face because now he is not his own master he had very small dream
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Mukesh's attitude towards life was different from that of Saheb. Unlike Saheb, he was optimistic about his future, so he dared to dream. He wanted to become a motor mechanic, and he also wanted to learn to drive a car. Whereas Saheb lacked determination, he harboured no dreams or ambitions about his future.
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Mukesh’s attitude towards life was different from that of Saheb. Unlike Saheb he was optimistic about his future and so he dared to dream. He wanted to become a motor mechanic and also wanted to learn to drive a car. Saheb lacked determination so he harboured no dreams or ambitions about his future.
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