how was the tiger shooting arranged? what kind of a tiger was choosen for the purpose?

Mrs. Packletide had offered a thousand rupees for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without too much risk or exertion. It so happened that in the neighbouring village, there was an animal of advanced age, a tiger which had forsaken game killing and confined its appetite to smaller domestic animals due to increasing senility. The prospect of earning a thousand rupees stimulated the sporting and enterprising instincts of the villagers such that the whole village was employed in capturing the animal. The greatest anxiety about the work was that the tiger should not die of old age before the date appointed for Mrs. Packletide's shoot. A platform had been constructed in a comfortable and conveniently placed tree and Mrs. Packletide crouched there with her paid companion. The old tiger, partially deaf, was to be lured by a goat gifted as bait. 


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Mrs.Packletide offered a thousand rupees to villagers for arranging an opportunity to shoot a tiger without much risk or exertion. An old tiger that had given up hunting and confined himself to eating domestic animal was chosen for this purpose.

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Mrs. Packletide learnt of a village which had an old tiger in the neighbourhood and she promised to pay the villagers a thousand rupees if they helped her to hunt it down.

An old tiger on the verge of death was chosen because it presented very little risk to Mrs. Packletide while hunting.

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