How were the effects of Industrial Revolution reflected in the novels?

Industrialisation had great impact on the writing of novels.In the 19th century, Industrial Revolution began in Europe which gave rise to new inventions and development. This also created problems for the working classes who migrated to cities in search of jobs.It was an ordinary labour who had to face all difficulties.So, many novels came up whose main theme revolved round the lives of the ordinary workers in the cities.

1. For example, Charles Dickens 'Hard Times' was a novel depicting the life of the working class in Europe.

2. Man novelists also wrote about the changes that took place in rural life due to industrialisation.Thomas Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge is a novel written to portray the changes in rural life.

3.Another example of the social novel is Charles Kingsley's  Alton Lock  (1849), a work that revealed the social injustice suffered by workers in the clothing trade as well as the trials and tribulations of agricultural labourers as a result of industrialisation. 

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