I want a fully solved accountancy project which includes a balance sheet,comparative commonsize income statement and balance sheet and accounting ratios.

 You can refer to the books of accountancy by TS GREWAL, SA SIDDIQUI AND DK GOYAL.

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 how many companies are included in sebi

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anushka...thanx.....ill refer and see if i get anything:)

jyothi 2

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 heyy anushka......these books are not available where i stay.

could you please tell me if you know any site where you get this

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pls send me the format of cot sheet

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 i do not have the format of the cot sheet.

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you can go to the site srcibd.com. There u can search for the book of accounts by these authors.. 

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u can go to the site of scribd.com. there u can search for the books of aacounts by these authors..

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 i want 2 know the difference b/w currents assets and other assets

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what is accouunt

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will i get a full accounts project.
comprehensive - starting with subsidary not with the journal and rest of all is same.
2 minor will be any...
and hope for a favourable response.....

thank u

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u can check on meritnation.com
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Please give me food salt 12th class accountancy project
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Solution of balance sheet

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Heyyy if you get it done, please do send me too, my email Id dhruvpratapsingh21@gmail.com

That would be of great help. :)
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