I want an article on - how new gadgets effect teenagers?

Dear Student, 

Here is a sample for your reference:

New gadgets are arriving in the market everyday and one learns one new thing each day nowadays. Applications, social networking sites, chatting, skyping, unlimited texting, lengthy conversations, games, the list is unending. Every individual has got a reason to use a new gadget or especially an advanced cellphone. The two-dimensional world is capturing the children's attention so much that they have forgot socializing or interacting with people. Signs of possible psychological addiction to computer or video game use among youth can include worsening school grades; choosing the computer or video games over family, friends or social activities; or restlessness and irritability when not playing a video game or on the computer. Video games can help children practice following directions and problem solving, and refine motor and spatial skills. Negative effects include social isolation, aggressive behavior, violence, confusing reality and fantasy, and poor grades. (to be continued based on your ideas.)

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