if light is considered as particle it occupy space then it might be having weight too.

In such a case is light a matter? if light is a matter than just like air if compressed will be get light in solid state?

@Ankit has explained the answer very nicely. Light can behave as a particle (matter) and as wave in different cases. However, we have to remember that the particles of light, photons, only exhibit mass when moving, their mass at rest is zero. Thus, we cannot have a stationery photon. So, photons cannot be classified as matter in its true sense. 

But, it would be theoretically possible to compress light in a classical way by using a ultra high reflective box and storing light in it and slowly compressing the box without letting anything out.


@Ankit...Good effort, keep it up!

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This question has created lots of conflicts in the history and will still  be a matter of concern in the future . A Black Hole in the space can even absorb light , so this makes the light a matter , Light exerts physical pressure on objects in its path, a phenomenon which can be deduced by Maxwell's equations, but can be more easily explained by the particle nature of light: photons strike and transfer their momentum so this also specifies that light is a matter whereas the Quantum theory by Planck and ElectromagneticTheory by Faraday conclude that light is a form of energy . So its a conflicting question , and hopefully with the advancement of technology you will get ur correct answer !!!!

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