if you shout on the moon, will the sound travel faster or slower than on the earth? why?


quick i need it for my assignment!!!

Sound needs a material medium to travel  from one place to another.
On earth we hear sound because sound has the medium air to travel from one point to another. On moon there is no atmosphere. So, sound cannot travel from one point to another. So, sound cannot be heard on the moon.

  • 29

it will b slower coz there is no atmosphere and air.reply


  • 3

 yes there is no air and it is almost vaccum.and sound needs a medium to travel.so the sound will travel slower 

  • 6


  • -7

 are !sound needs a medium to travle and thear is vaccum because of di sound will not travle

  • 3

Sound will not travel on moon because there is no medium on moon and sound cannot trvel in vaccum.

  • 2

the sound will not tra vel at all as sound cannot travel in vaccum

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sorry but sound cannot travel in vacuum

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