imagine you are the mirror . write a speech that you would like to deliver to the humans who come to see their reflection in you.plz can anyone help me out???????????

Dear Student,

You can take clues from the speeches provided by your friend. However, take care of grammatical mistakes and capitalisation. 

@vknov21 excellent attempt. Keep up the good work!

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Good Morning Humans,

I am honored that you have given me the opportunity to speak to all of you . I have  seen lot of thing that was reflecting in front of my eyes all my life. Today I am going to give a speech on  humanity . I know that I am mirror and I am viewing myself and also I feel I am a part of the God who created the world. I would tell humans to follow the path Truth. Spread love to all and maintain peace in the world. I would ask people fill their heart with melancholy. I would tell humans to show humanity to other and ask to help other who are in distress. I ask everyone to leave their prejudices , stop being cruel and enjoy the life with joy and spread happiness around the world to maintain peace.Thank you for hearing me.

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 Good Morning Humans, 

i am silvery , bright and exact in my work.i suffer frm no prejudices.i hv no preconceptions or misconceptions.wen any object comes before me i assimilate it at once and quickly give my response.since this response is nt coloured by personal emotions my judgement is true and exact.since thr is no personal element involved in my decision making,my observations are full of truth.i faithfully depict wat i see.the beholder may accuse me of being cruel,but remember i am nt a flatterer ,i m only truthful.the day i lose my objectivity people will discard me out of their house.

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