in the isosceles trapezium angle c=115, find the remaining angles

Let us consider the following isosceles trapezium ABCD
Whose AD = BC, AB||CD and ∠DCB = 115°. To find the measure remaining angles of the trapezium, you may extend CD to E such that DE = AB

In trapezium ABCD, DC||AB
∴ ∠ABC + ∠DCB = 180°
⇒∠ABC = 180° – 115° = 65°
It is given that AD = BC  …(1)
According to the construction done, DE = AB and DE || AB
Thus, ABED is a parallelogram
∴ AD = BE  … (2)
From (1) and (2)
⇒∠BEC = ∠BCE = 180° – ∠BCD = 180° – 115° = 65°
⇒∠BED = 65°
ABED is a parallelogram
∴∠A = ∠BED = 65°
And ∠D = 180° – ∠BED = 180° – 65° = 115°
Hope! You got the answer.

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