Is this the first national flag of India after independence?

Dear Student,

The following is the answer to your question.

The present flag of India or the tricolour has indeed been in use since independence. It was based on the Swaraj flag of the Congress and adopted on 22nd July, 1947. However, the flag did undergo many modifications prior to the independence. The flag of British India contained the insignia of the British flag along with the star of India. Other flags incorporated religious symbols at the time of the Swadeshi movement. There was also a version of the flag that had three colours including white, green and red along with the charkha superimposed upon them. THe swaraj flag was the closest embodiment to the present day tricolour as it contained all the elements and colours of the present flag except that the charkha was present in place of the wheel.

Hope this answers your query


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no, earlier it was the charkha at the place of wheel in the white portion later on as through the modern generation the charkha also came in rond shape so that symbol also converted 2 round shape.


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