Justify the title julius caesar

 the title is aptly justifeid although he isn't really in the play very much and he is assassinated halfway through  but still it was Caesar and his determination to be emperor that causes the action of the play, and precipitates others' reactions to him, leading to his death.If his determination was not so strong he might have refused that night nd may have been not died but as he was his decision was unchangeble it caused him death nd then play begans nd characters like antony take up the charge to take revenge of hhis death .

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Here is no need for the justification of the title. Then too, I am writing, sorry typing

1. The whole play revolves around the assassination of Juliu Caesar and its revenge

2. THe play starts with Julius Caesar, the most noble and greatest of all Romans. He defeat the sons of Pompey, comes to ROme with immense popularity. Calpurnia feels his life is in danger.

3. Cassius instigates a conspiracy against Caesar who , he supposes, will become dictator. Brutus and other join the conspiracy.

4. Caesar assassinated. Antony takes on the responsibility of avenging his death

5. Tactful diplomacy, shrewd nature, manipulative ability and unmatched oratoiry helped him turn the Roman mob against conspirators.

6. Int he end the war between armies of Octavius and Antony against those of Brutus and Cassius leads further to suicide of Brutus an Cassius.

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Julius Caesar is the protagonist of the play

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