Let me ask a question. Please explain the way to find the answer? here comes the question

in each of the following, without actual division and by using divisibility tests find whether the first number is divisible by the second number:

A) 6245 by 45

B) 77496 by 12

C) 317925 by 15

D) 76806849 by 18

Answer :

We can check without actual division and by using divisibility tests these number is divisible by second number or not

A )  we have  6245 by 45  ( 624545

First we make prime factors of denominator As : 45  = 3 × 3 × 5  , So if our number is divisible by 3 and 5 , so our number is also divisible by 45  ,
we know Divisiblity rule for 3  :

Add up all of the digits in the number. If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, then so is the number.
So 6245 = 6 + 2 + 4  + 5 = 17  that is not divisible by 3 so 6245 also not divisible by 3


6245 is not divisible by 45 also.  ( Ans )

B ) 77496  by 12  ( 7749612

First we make prime factors of denominator As : 12  = 2 × 2 × 3  , So if our number is divisible by 2 and 3 , so our number is also divisible by 12  ,

We know

Division by 2:
If the number ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, then the number is divisible by 2. This is equivalent to being an even number.

So our number 77496 is divisible by 2


we know Divisibility rule for 3  :

Add up all of the digits in the number. If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, then so is the number.
So 77496 = 7 + 7 + 4  + 9 + 6 = 33  that is  divisible by 3 so 77496 also  divisible by 3


77496 is divisible by 12 also .  ( Ans )

C ) 317925 by 15  ( 31792515 )

First we make prime factors of denominator As : 15  = 3 × 5  , So if our number is divisible by 3 and 5 , so our number is also divisible by 15  ,

we know Divisibility rule for 3  :

Add up all of the digits in the number. If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, then so is the number.
So , 317925 = 3 + 1 + 7  + 9 + 2 + 5 = 27  that is  divisible by 3 so 317925 also  divisible by 3

Division by 5:
If the last digit is 0 or 5 then the number can be divided by 5.
Our number 317925 is divisible by 5 , as last digit is  ' 5 '

317925 is divisible by 15 also .  ( Ans )

) 76806849 by 18 ( 7680684918 )

First we make prime factors of denominator As : 18  = 2 × 3 × 3  , So if our number is divisible by 2 and 3 , so our number is also divisible by 18  ,

We know

Division by 2:
If the number ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, then the number is divisible by 2. This is equivalent to being an even number.

So our number
76806849 is not divisible by 2 as its last digit is ' 9 '


76806849  is not divisible by 18 also .  ( Ans )

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