list of some farming and non-farming activities

Agricultural diversification

In the agricultural context, diversification can be regarded as the re-allocation of some of a farm's productive resources, such as land, capital, farm equipment and paid labour, into new activities. These can be new crops or livestock products, value-adding activities, provision of services to other farmers and, particularly in richer countries, non-farming activities such as restaurants and shops. Factors leading to decisions to diversify are many, but include; reducing risk, responding to changing consumer demands or changing government policy, responding to external shocks and, more recently, as a consequence of climate change.

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Non-farming activities

Mining, transport, storage, manufacturing, education, health, defence, social security, post, construction, real estate, hotels and restaurants, retail trade are some of the nonfarming activities.

Farming activity

Cultivation, manufacturing, etc.

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you are a farming activity and your friend is a non farming activity

  • -9

harvesting,irrigation etc are farming activities

  • -6

farming activites are the activities that are caried out to bring out best yield from crops. some of the examples of farming activites are harvesting,sowing, ploughung, supplying chemical fertilizers to plants etc. While non farming activites are the activites that are not carried out in farming but are carried out in a different way irrespective of farming. some examples of non farming activites are transport services,dairy farming ,small scale industries ,advertising, selling and manufacturing of other products such as soap, cell phone etc.

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List of non-farming activity?
  • -7
These are the list of

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I Want Transport Facility In Palampur
  • -4
  1. I Want Transport Facility In Palampur
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Non Farming Activities - Dairy Farming , Apiculture , Shop Keeping etc. 
  • -7
many types pf non farming activities done in villages like manufacturing,transporting etc..
  • -5
Non-farming activities
Mining, transport, storage, manufacturing, education, health, defence, social security, post, construction, real estate, hotels and restaurants, retail trade are some of the nonfarming activities.

Farming activity

Cultivation, manufacturing, etc. I hope it was useful for all of you.
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~~1. these are the non farming activities
2.  Dairy Farming is generally a type of subsistence farming system in India, especially in Haryana, the major producer of milk in the country. More than 40% of Indian farming households are engaged in milk production because it is alive stock enterprise in which they can engage with relative ease to
 3.  In villages manufacturing takes place in a very small scale with simple production methods. People are engaged in the production at their own home or infields. Labourers are rarely hired. Sugarcane is the most common small scale manufacturing business in  villages. Some of the people have machines to crush the sugarcanes. Earlier crushing sugarcane was done by the help of bullocks. They crush the sugar caneand produce jaggery and further sell it to traders to make small profits.
 4.  Shopkeepers play a big role in villages. All day-to-day ,non-agricultural products , are provided in villages in shops. Products from towns and cities like soaps, toothpaste,etc. that are needed on daily basis are available at local shops.
 5.  TRANSPORT Communicating from village to town for purchasing and selling goods have improved in palampur.Jeep, tractors, bullock carts and bogeys are the transport facilities. They ferry people and goods from village to town and in return get paid for it.
  • -2
  • -19
farming growing crops cultivation 
  • -9
1- non farming activities - mining , transport, storage etc
  • 0
Farming activities are -  Cultivation , manufacturing , etc.
Non Farming Activities - Dairy , transport , small scale manufacturing , shopkeeping [ includes  fruit & vegetable selling , general stores , health , educational institutes [ like computer classes of kareem ] , etc .
pls refer pg 1, 10, 11,12 
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Answer no 1

  • -6
Farming activities are transport dairy production Etc
  • -4
list of non farming activity are
  1. dairy
  2. transportation 
  3. small scale manufacturing 
  4. shopkeeping    
​list of farming activity are
  1. agriculture
  • -1
non farming activities are shopkeeping , mining , factories , etc.
farming activities are dairy farming , agriculture , etc.
  • -2
  • -5
What is the aim for production??
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non farming activities :
dairy , transport , shopkeeping , small scale manufacturing , etc .
farming activities :
multiple cropping , modern inputs , etc .
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  • 6
Please explain those modern farming methods!!!
  • -1
Modern farming method led to loss of soil fertility because nowadays farmers use various kind of chemical fertilizer and pesticides( it is use to kill insects which damage the crop) to increase the productivity of crop and hence excessive use of fertilizer change the chemistry of soil and it also kill the microorganisms which help to increase the fertility of soil . Punjab is one of the best example of this.
  • -4
List all non farming activities
  • -3
Thanks everyone
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storage shop keeping dairy farming 
  • -4
Just like this

  • 14
Just like this

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Just like this

  • -4
Farming activities are like agriculture, landless labourers and non- farming activities include fishing, poultry farming, mining, quarrying, manufacturing etc.
  • -3
The answer is good please like me

  • 34
Farming activities are like fishing,horticulture etc...,non farming activities are like doctors,engineers ,teachers etc...,
  • 0
Who is Mia Khalifa ?and why she always do that things?give reason
  • -10
Describe two methods of incresing crop production
  • -3
small scale manufacturing. 2.dairy production . 3.tranporting
  • -6
I love Bandhan jaskiran boob's and I also love them
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Please find this answer

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Please find this answer

  • -2
Farming activities is agriculture and non farming avtivities are:dairy farming ,small scale manufacturing ,etc
  • 8
Farming activities are : cultivation, animal husbandry, poultry, fishery,etc
Non farming activities: shop keeping,driving,etc
  • -1
Production activities in simple words The conversion of raw material into a finished product... For example: cotton into cotton clothes ... Here cotton is raw material Nd clothe is finished final product.... Hope it help u
  • -2
The non-farming activities in palampur are
1.Dairy farming
3.Small scale farming
  • -1
How Indian developed relationship with the world through the land route?
  • -1
Multi purpose river project and integrated water resources management. Explain.
  • -2
10 non farming activities in indian villages
  • -2
Farming : Agrucultural activities like ploughing, weeding, etc.
Non Farming : Shopkeeping, Dairy, Transport, Cottage Industries
  • -1
  • -2
for non farming activities
  • 3
- Area agriculture
- Beekeeping
​- Fish culture etc....

- Factory transportation
- Baking
- Teaching etc.....

  • 1
Mining, Transportation, Fishing, Pottery etc.
  • 2
farming is growing crops
non farming is dairy farming
  • 0
What is seasonal unemployment?
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you can go through the book Xam Idea.
  • 1



? 3 . DAIRY

Hope you like it!
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farming activities:cultivation.
non farming activities:dairy,small scale manufacturing
  • 0
same question here
  • 4
same here
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Non-farming activities
Mining, transport, storage, manufacturing, education, health, defence, social security, post, construction, real estate, hotels and restaurants, retail trade are some of the nonfarming activities.

Farming activity

Cultivation, manufacturing, etc.
  • 1

Non - Farming activities includes activities excluding agriculture. Some of the non - farming activities are:

Dairy - It is a common activity in many villages. People feed their buffaloes on various kinds of grass and Jowar and Bajra. Then the milk is sold in nearby villages and towns. It is alos transported to far away towns and cities.

Small - Scale Manufacturing - Unlike manufacturing that takes place in big factories in the towns and cities, small scale manufacturing involves very simple production methods.

Shops - People involved in Trade(shopkeepers) buy various goods from wholesale markets in the cities and sell them in the village. A few families whose house is near the bus stop set up small shops that sell eatables.

Transport - People with rickshaws, tongas, tractors, truks, bogey and bullock carts are the ones in the transport service and they transport goods and services from one place to another and in return get paid for it.
  • 0
  • non farming- dairy, small scale manufacturing, shop keeping,transport.
  • farming- multiple cropping , modern methods of agriculture
pls give a thumbs up!!!!
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  • non farming activities are
  1. cattle farming
  2. ​small factories 
  • 1
Even opening up of a small educational institution is an example of non-farming activities in Palampur.
  • 0
1) Dairy
2) Small scale manufacturing
3) Shop keeping
4) Transport
5) Repairing
6) Pottery
7) Tailoring
Works like carpentry, blacksmith can be included
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farming--wheat,rice,etc. non-farming--selling of cow milk during off season ,
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dairy farming, Polutary farming, small scale manufacturing, shopkeeper transport
  • 0
Farming activities like irrigation,farming etc. And non farming activities are dairy ,transportation, mobile shopsetc.
  • 0
Please find this answer

  • 0
Non farming activities like : shop keepring,transport and small manufacturing. Farming activities like: planting, hand picking crop, driving combing
  • 0
  • 0
Non Farm activities= Shopkeeping, dairy, transport, small scale production , trading Farm activities = sowing , ploughing , irrigation , spraying weedicides , harvesting .
  • 0
The common growing activities are known as the farming activities. Some of the farming activities are: 
Cultivation. Manufacturing. Fish culture. Beekeeping. Production of sugarcane. Production of wheat, etc.
Activities other then agricultural activities are known as non-farming activities. Some of the non farming activities are:
dairy, transportation, small scale manufacturing, shopkeeping, baking, mining, teaching, etc.
  • 1 is required for non _farming ac activites. 2.use of saving of loans are essential for credit
  • 0
Non-farming activities

Mining, transport, storage, manufacturing, education, health, defence, social security, post, construction, real estate, hotels and restaurants, retail trade are some of the nonfarming activities.

Farming activity

Cultivation, manufacturing, etc.

Hope it helped
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Farming activity is growing gram,wheat,etc

Non-farming activities is driving ,teacher,labour,shopkeeping, etc
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Non farming activites are
1 Small scale manufacturing
2 shopkeeping
  • 0
Okk dear student

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Non farming activities such as handicrafts, household, small scale industry, manufacturing, construction etc while farming activities include agriculture
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Small scale manufacturing
  • 0
Some farming activities agriculture is an example.And some non farming activities are working in transportation etc
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Please find this answer

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Correct answer

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Please find this answer

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Agriculture, animal husbandry, dairy farming etc are farming activities.
Non farming activities are small scale industries like making clothes, toys, shopkeeping etc
  • 0
Non farming activities are
2. Small scale manufacturing

Farming activities are
1. Sowing seeds
2. Adding fertilization
3. Watering
4. harvesting
5. Selling crops

I hope this will help you
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1 Farming 2 photo me hai answer

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Non-farming activities

Mining, transport, storage, manufacturing, education, health, defence, social security, post, construction, real estate, hotels and restaurants, retail trade are some of the nonfarming activities.

Farming activity

Cultivation, manufacturing, etc.
  • 0
Dairy farmers
  • 0
(a): In villages across India, farming is the main production activity. It includes cultivation of rice, wheat etc. (b): The other production activities, referred to as non-farm activities include small manufacturing, transport, shopkeeping, etc.
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list of farming activity
list of non farming activity
  • 0
non farming activities include Dairy, transport, small scale manufacturing, transport,and the shopkeepers
  • 0
Non farming activities are:- Handicrafts, construction, quarrying, transportation, community services etc.

Farming activities are:- Harvesting,cow breed,haying, pasturing livestock and feeding of livestock etc.
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Non farming are transport, dairy farming, shop keeping, small scale manufacturing
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it is any activity relatedto farming
EXAMPLE - yielding , cropping , irrigating the land etc..

any activity done to earn money except farming.
EXAMPLE - manufacturing, shop-keeping , transportation etc.
  • 1
The farming activities are the activities that we practice in agriculture.These include Sowing, ploughing, irrigation,harvesting,and threshing.

Whereas the non farming activities include various ventures such as handicraft, household as well as non-household like small scale industries, construction, mining, transport etc. but of course in the designated rural areas.
  • 0
3.Small scale manufacturing
  • 0
Farming activity are - Agriculture, Livestock.
Non Farming activity are - Transport, Shop keeping, Trading, Dairy Production, Computer center, Small manufacturing like e.g. jaggery manufacturing units.
  • 0
  • 0
~~1. these are the non farming activities
2.  Dairy Farming is generally a type of subsistence farming system in India, especially in Haryana, the major producer of milk in the country. More than 40% of Indian farming households are engaged in milk production because it is alive stock enterprise in which they can engage with relative ease to
 3.  In villages manufacturing takes place in a very small scale with simple production methods. People are engaged in the production at their own home or infields. Labourers are rarely hired. Sugarcane is the most common small scale manufacturing business in  villages. Some of the people have machines to crush the sugarcanes. Earlier crushing sugarcane was done by the help of bullocks. They crush the sugar caneand produce jaggery and further sell it to traders to make small profits.
 4.  Shopkeepers play a big role in villages. All day-to-day ,non-agricultural products , are provided in villages in shops. Products from towns and cities like soaps, toothpaste,etc. that are needed on daily basis are available at local shops.
 5.  TRANSPORT Communicating from village to town for purchasing and selling goods have improved in palampur.Jeep, tractors, bullock carts and bogeys are the transport facilities. They ferry people and goods from village to town and in return get paid for it.
  • 0
Farm activities include agriculture (crop production), plantation, animal husbandry (milk, meat, egg etc), forestry & logging and fishing, whereas the non-farm sector includes all other activities like agro-processing industries, wholesale and retail trading, storage and communication, transport and education , health etc...
  • 0
Agriculture like cropping- potatoes,maiz, etc are known as farming. And diary, shopping etc
  • 0
All the activities regarding agriculture is farming activities and marketing,dairy farming, transport ect are non farming activities
  • 0
In farming activities:

In non - farming activities:
1. Transport
2. Dairy
3. Manufacturing
5. Repairing
  • 0
Farming is the main activity in palampur whereas several other activities such as dairy, transport , manufacturing and small scale are carried out on a limited scale . These activities require various types of resources such as natural resources , man made items ,human effort and money.
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The Non-Farming Activities Include Small Manufacturing, Transport, Shop-keeping ,Dairy etc...
The Farming Activities Are : Growing Crops Like Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane Etc...
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farming activities are that agriculture and non farming activities and non agricultural manufacturing
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Paddy, corn,chilli etc. This are farming activities
Transport, mining, mechanics etc. This is Non-farming activities
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The hindi meaning of this

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Porinita karmakar
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Some farming activities are agriculture and non-farming activities are dairy, carpenter, animal husbandry, Potter and merchantability etc....
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and are endogentic process
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Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.
Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.

Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.

Compared to the traditional seeds, the HYV seeds promised to produce much greater amounts of grain on a single plant. As a result, the same piece of land would now produce far larger quantities of food grains than was possible earlier.

Demerits of Green Revolution:

Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery.

Some borrowed and ended up with large debts

HYV seeds need more water and fertilizer, which is expensive

New machinery replaced manual labour leading to unemployment and rural-urban migration

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.

The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only.
  • 0
A human leave in india arethe most impossible it possible if y is the sum of a avalibility Zac's qq112 of high z x is to say
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mention the legislative functions of Indian Parliament
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I required the use of non sustainable agricultural
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1) working capital
4) yield
5) Hectare
6)multiple cropping
7) Kharif
  • 0
Please find this answer

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Garden boy . maid .teacher and tracter driver
  • 0
Farming -----

1. Soil preparation
2. Sowing
3. Manuring
4. Irrigation
5. Weeding
6. Harvesting
7. Storage

Non - farming -----
1. Construction
2. Mining
3. Quarrying
4. Repair
5. Transport
6. Community service
7. Pottery and basket making
8. Chocolate manufacturing
9. Rice mill
10. Dairy and production of jaggery
  • 0
Some farming are non farming because they are very good and the students of pvc is a feild
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Farming Activities :- Cultivation, ploughing, Irrigation, sowing, etc,

Non-farming Activities :- Dairy
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