Pg. 7
Extract no. 44 - "Did they give up ? I do not have to answer......walk and sing - again."

Who said these lines ?

the nurse said these lines

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did they give up is asked by the narrator and the rest by the nurse...
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Zen, it is a single dialogue. You are mistaken, maybe.
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yess i know that it is a single dialogue....
but when u will read it from the beginning.....
it is somehow related to the narrater.... whatever.... i just tried to help....
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The given lines are said by Narrator itself!
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These lines was said by the nurse. when the narrator requested the nurse to tell the things that she knows about the two boys she described everything that  happened in their life and the reason for their difficult condition. And she also said the above lines along with this. 
If still you have doubt about this then go and check the textbook .
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textbox ? what is that ?
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oh I'm sorry I misread textbook. Please ignore that reply.
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