merits and demerits of globalisation

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 globalisation is integrating a economy to the world economy........


improvements to every corners like technology,competetions to world market, share markets..etc..


like malpractice of passing world wide drug system as reported in australia in 2001 to europe which lasted to2005.

malpractice is everywhere  so it is one of the threat not a demerit.....

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1)The level of technology would improve because of foreign technology.

2)It will raise productivity and average living standards.


1)New technology is not appropriate to indian conditions.It is complicating problem instead of solution.

2)Many small companies are not able to face competition so therenis a fear that they may be closes.

hope it helps!!!!!!!!!!

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 Consumers now have better choices of products at cheaper prices.

 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by MNCs has increased in India, which has resulted in Creation of new job opportunities for Indians Addition in the foreign exchange reserves of the country Prosperity of local industries supplying raw materials to MNCs Indian markets have expanded manifold. Introduction of new technology in the industrial sector in India. Some Indian companies have gained the status of multinationals themselves. E.g. Infosys, Tata, Ranbaxy etc. Service industry has witnessed a fillip. E.g. Call centres, engineering services, accounting etc. It has negatively affected the small enterprises that faced stiff competition from large MNCs.Contribute to
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Consumers benefit from globalisation due to the following reasons:

  • *They benefit from the lower prices
  • *better quality of products arising from increased competition
  • *increases the purchasing power of an individual
  • *best practices of production gets disseminated across political boundaries

The following are the negative impacts of globalisation :

* Low wages and long working hours in potentially hazardous conditions due to requirement of cost effective production.

*Uncertain terms of employment. Casual workers are hired on contract when demand is high and laid off when demand declines.

* Multi national companies are prone to shift their centres of production in accordance with the benefits they receive.

The worst hit by globalisation are small scale industries as they do not have the capital or resources to compete with large MNCs. Casual workers are also affected as they have to work long hours for low wages and uncertain terms of employment. They are not entitled to many benefits enjoyed by regular workers.

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 Consumers now have better choices of products at cheaper prices.

 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by MNCs has increased in India, which has resulted in Creation of new job opportunities for Indians Addition in the foreign exchange reserves of the country Prosperity of local industries supplying raw materials to MNCs Indian markets have expanded manifold. Introduction of new technology in the industrial sector in India. Some Indian companies have gained the status of multinationals themselves. E.g. Infosys, Tata, Ranbaxy etc. Service industry has witnessed a fillip. E.g. Call centres, engineering services, accounting etc. It has negatively affected the small enterprises that faced stiff competition from large MNCs.Contribute to
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