metric system of USA

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

The metric system uses units such as meterliter, and gram to measure length, liquid volume, and mass, just as the U.S. customary system uses feet, quarts, and ounces to measure these.

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Metrication (or metrification) is the process of introducing the International System of Units (or SI), commonly known as the metric system, to replace the traditional or customary units of measurement of a country or region. Although all U.S. customary units have been redefined in terms of SI units, the United States does not commonly mandate the use of SI. This, according to the CIA Factbook, makes the United States one of only three countries as of 2007, with Myanmar (Burma) and Liberia, that have not adopted the metric system as their official system of weights and measures.[1] Additionally, the United Kingdom still uses imperial units officially for a few purposes, including road signage and the sale of doorstep delivered milk, draft beer, draft cider, and precious metals. Imperial units are otherwise still permitted there, but only alongside metric units in dual labeling.
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