Ozymandias ' and "not marble, nor the gilded monuments ' are on time. compare the two sonnets in terms of the way in which time is treated by the poets.????

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All of these poets talk about the destructive power of time. There are two completely different ways that you can look at the cruel power of time. One is where time can mature and enrich people or wine, generally a good view of time. The other is where time destroys everything in its path, like the fall of an empire. Poems under consideration focus on the destructive power of time.

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Both the poems, "Ozymandias" & "Not marble nor the gilded monuments" focus on time.In "Not marble nor the gilded monuments",Shakespeare mocks at the marble and gilded monuments,memorials and statues built by princes,rulers and the rich.They raise these memorials to show their power,authority grandeur and wealth.They want to perpetuate their memory for the posterity.It is a vain attempt to become immortal or to keep their memory alive in the minds and hearts of the coming generation.However,the ravages of time and the agents of destruction like wasteful wars and tumults destroy,damage and deteriorate such buildings and monuments.Shakespeare wants to highlight that `the powerful rhyme' outlives all such worldly glories and grandeurs.

  P.B Shelley's ` Ozymandias' also highlights that the sickle of time spares none.Once all-powerful ruler, `the king of kings' , Ozymandias wanted to overawe the present and future generationsby his authority and achievements.He met a tragic and ironical fate.The ravages of time shattered his pride and his ststue and face lie broken and buried in the sand.Such tall claims and show of power,glory & grandeur meet their tragic end with the passage of time.So,both the poets highlight that all worldly power,glory and grandeur meet their destruction and deterioration at the hands of all - powerful time.

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 bbhihnjn jmklmlk;,l; ,lkmbbgjbj njkn

  • -19

thanks a loy meghna

  • -5

Both the poems, "Ozymandias" "Not marble nor the gilded monuments" focus on time.In "Not marble nor the gilded monuments",Shakespeare mocks at the marble and gilded monuments,memorials and statues built by princes,rulers and the rich.They raise these memorials to show their power,authority grandeur and wealth.They want to perpetuate their memory for the posterity.It is a vain attempt to become immortal or to keep their memory alive in the minds and hearts of the coming generation.However,the ravages of time and the agents of destruction like wasteful wars and tumults destroy,damage and deteriorate such buildings and monuments.Shakespeare wants to highlight that `the powerful rhyme ' outlives all such worldly glories and grandeurs.

P.B Shelley 's ` Ozymandias ' also highlights that the sickle of time spares none.Once all-powerful ruler, `theking of kings' , Ozymandias wanted to overawe the present and future generationsby his authority and achievements.He met a tragic and ironical fate.The ravages of time shattered his pride and his ststue and face lie broken and buried in the sand.Such tall claims and show of power,glory grandeur meet their tragic end with the passage of time.So,both the poets highlight that all worldly power,glory and grandeur meet their destruction and deterioration at the hands of all - powerful time.

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I met a traveller from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:And on the pedestal these words appear:"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.

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