Pg 162

EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF GIVEN LINES : ( word by word , line by line explanation)

DECIUS BRUTUS - This dream is all amiss interpreted; It was a vision fair and fortunate; Your statue spouting blood in

many pipes, In which so many smiling Romans bathed, Signifies that from you great Rome shall suck

Reviving blood , and that great men shall press

For tinctures,stains,relics and cognizance .

This by Calpurnia's dream is signified.

Dear Student,

In these lines, Decius Brutus says that this dream has been interpreted in a wrong manner. He says that it was a lucky and good vision. Your statue spouting blood through many holes means that you (Caesar) will provide Rome with sustaining blood. And that great men shall gather around Caesar and stain their handkerchiefs in his blood. These Romans will fight in the battle, will take blood stains, tinctures and will win and bring relics with them and will be as respected and recognized as yourself. This is what Calpurnia's dream means.

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Decius says that the dream is mis-interpreted. The dream is good and lucky (fortunate) for him. Caesar's statue is spouting with many wounds and Romans are bathing and smiling signifies that Romans will possess your virtues of bravery, leadership etc. that are in your blood and these Romans will fight in the battle, will atke blood stains, tinctures(medicine) and will win and bring relics (trophies of victory) with them and will be as respected and recognized as yourself, Caesar 

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