Please explain the exterior angle bisector theorem!!!

Exterior Angle Bisector Theorem

Exterior angle bisector theorem : The external bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side externally in the ratio of the sides containing the angle.

Given : A ΔABC, in which AD is the bisector of the exterior ∠A and intersects BC

produced in D.

Prove that : BD / CD = AB / AC 

Construction : Draw CE || DA meeting AB in E.

1) CE || DA1) By construction
2) ∠1 = ∠32) Alternate interior angle
3) ∠2 = ∠43) Corresponding angle (CE ||DA and BK is a transversal
4) AD is a bisector of ∠A4) Given
5) ∠1 = ∠25) Definition of angle bisector
6) ∠3 = ∠46) Transitivity (from 2 and 4)
7) AE = AC7) If angles are equal then side opposite to them are also equal
8) BD / CD = BA/EA8) By Basic proportionality theorem(EC ||AD)
9) BD /CD = AB/AE9) BA = AB and EA = AE
10) BD /CD = AB /AC10) AE = EC and from(7)


1) In the given figure, AE is the bisector of the exterior ∠CAD meeting BC produced in E. If AB = 10 cm, AC = 6 cm and BC = 12 cm, find CE.

Given : AB = 10 cm, AC = 6 cm and BC = 12 cm

By exterior angle bisector theorem 

BE / CE = AB / AC 

(12 + x) / x = 10 / 6 

6( 12 + x ) = 10 x [ by cross multiplication]

72 + 6x = 10x 
72 = 10x – 6x 

72 = 4x 

x = 72/4

x = 18 

CE = 18 cm


  • 16

You copied all this stuff from huh? :-P
Anyways, thanks!! 

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