Please solve the following:
Rajeevplays basket ball after every 3days,while Rohanplays Basketball after every 5days.Both meet at the basketball court on 1st of July 2015 for the first time.When will they meet each other at the Basket ball court for the fifth time.

It is given that Rajeev plays basketball after every 3 days and Rohan plays basketballafter every 5 days.Note that the LCM of 3  and 5 is 15.So Rajeev and Rohan will meet after every 15 days.Since they first meet on 1st July 2015, so they will meet for the second time on 16th July 2015and for the third time on 31st July 2015.Similarly they will meet for the fourth time on 15th August 2015 and finally they will meet for the fifth time on 30th August 2015.

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