practice questions Q2 Q3

2.(a)The word wild here means the strawberries that they picked directly from forest.
(b)Our refers to the narrator and his friend.
(c)The driver stopped the author from buying wild strawberries as he did not like the shabby appearance of  those boys.
3(a)The narrator thought Nicola sold fruits for a living as he had last seen him selling fruits in the outskirts of city
(b)The boys did many things such as showing tourist the places around, booking seats for opera, suggesting a name of good restaurant, selling newspaper.
(c)Slackened means reduce or shorten

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which book ??
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the strawberreis which grows in wild areas.  Like this one 

the narrator and his friend

(c) Because he said that they would get fruits much better in verona . Not only beside of this reason he told that these boys are shabby and thus the fruits may not be of nice quality
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