Q. Write the message of the poem " The frog and the nightingale" in your own words in about 175 words?

You may refer to the answer by Manvendra and Ayushi.


@Manvendra and Ayushi: Good attempt. However please pay attention to grammatical errors and use proper English.



  • -5

 The poem conveys that one should be self-confident about one's abilities. One shouldn't be prone to influence and suppression. The poem very well puts forth the idea of misjudgment and its fatal consequences. These weaknesses are portrayed through the meek and weak character of the nightingale.

  • 6

 what is your opinion of the ant principles

  • -3

he tries 2 convey that we shud not get easily influenced by others....and we should b self confident and noe our own capabilities and never underestimate ourselves...and we shud noe our limitations also..we must not b too influenced 2 flattery...

  • 1

The message that it gives is that a person should not be gullible like the nightingale and should have confidence in themselfes. A person should not blindly follow what others.

  • 3
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