QV. What is animal husbandry? Why is it done?

Animal husbandry is the science of taking care of domestic animals that are used primarily as food or product sources. In many places throughout the world, people are essentially specialists in animal husbandry by means of being farmers, ranchers, sheepherders, or anyone who takes care of a variety of animals. Anyone who takes care of domesticated animals, especially in large groups, is practicing animal husbandry .

A second definition of animal husbandry is that it is a subject that can be studied, often in the college environment. People who take undergraduate degrees in animal husbandry may be less interested in caring for a flock of animals and more likely to specialize with graduate degrees in veterinary medicine, pharmacy degrees specializing in animals, or in managing large companies that produce products for animals like feed. Some people who raise animals may also take a class or two in animal husbandry to learn how to do certain things, like how to dock tails, make use of the newest technology to milk animals, or how to breed animals using artificial insemination techniques

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in short animal husbandry is the science of taking care of domestic animals for commercial use of their products.It includes shelter for the animals,food and other things required for taking care of a large no. of animals.T his is called animal husbandry.

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animal husbandry is the science of taking care of domestic animals for commercial use of their products.It includes shelter for the animals,food and other things required for taking care of a large no. of animals.

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food is also obtained from animals for which they are reared. this is called animal husbandry. it is done to obtain the food from them.

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The science of breeding and caring for farm animals

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The feeding and caring of animals is called ANIMAL HUSBANDRY . It is done to get things from animals.

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the feeding and caring of animals in a short place

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The breeding,feeding and caring of domestic animals for food and other purposes is called animal husbandry.The science of rearing animals for a commercial purpose is known asanimal husbandry.Weknow that animals provide us different types of food products like plants.For this purpose, animals are reared in farms or homes, and are provided with proper food, shelter, and care.

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Animal husbandryis the management and care of farm animals by humans for profit, in which genetic qualities and behaviour, considered to be advantageous to humans, are further developed. The term can refer to the practice ofselectively breedingand raising livestock to promote desirable traits in animals for utility, sport, pleasure, or research,[1]but also refers to the efficient exploitation of a species in agriculture advantageous to humans.

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