Say whether the statement is correct or wrong & why?
1] Segments of DNA are the gene placed on chromosomes.
2] Polynucleotide is the building block of nucleic acid.
3] Cellular DNA is the information source of making proteins in the cell.

Dear student, 

1) Segments of DNA are the gene placed on chromosomes -  True.
Explanation : 
A gene can be defined as the piece of DNA which code for a protein or RNA. They are located on the DNA or chromosomes. Genes is made up of DNA. The basic function of the gene is to code various proteins and RNA required by the cells and to pass on the information from one generation to the other.

2) Polynucleotide is the building block of nucleic acid - True.
Explanation : RNA and DNA are the two nucleic acids.The basic component of nucleic acid is the Nucleotides. It is composed of three components covalently bound together. They are :- 

1. a nitrogenous base –( pyrimidine or purine )
2. a 5-carbon sugar - ribose or deoxyribose
3. a phosphate group.

3) Cellular DNA is the information source of making proteins in the cell - True.
Explanation : Information source of making protein in a nucleus is DNA and basic event during reproduction is DNA replication.


  • 1
1) correct
  • 0
3)correct DNA is formed of amino acids which is a protein
  • 0
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