short speech on health is wealth


These questions focus on developing your writing and creative skills. We recommend that you frame such answers on your own. However, a few pointers are given below for your reference. 

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You can add these points on your speech:
Undoubtedly, health is better than wealth. But nowadays, many of us live sedentary lives. We come to school and remain seated most of the time for our lesson. When we go home, we spend a lot of time watching television or doing our revision. After a long time, we will suffer health problems. If you want to live a longer life, health care should be your own responsibility.
Firstly, we should get a balanced diet every day. A balanced diet is one which has the right amount of carbohydrate, proteins and other materials. Our bodies need nutrients to build up and repair tissues, thus, you are encouraged to eat plenty of vegetable and fresh fruits which are essential for our body. Besides, we should reduce our intake of high salt and sugar, for instance, fast food and process food. If we take too much of it, it lead to health problem such as heart attack, hypertension, obesity and so on. Avoid junk food altogether. Remember to consume more fibre to prevent constipation.
Next you must have an enough exercise because all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. Exercise is a prerequisite to good health. We should have physical exercises such as jogging, climbing mountain, cycling, jungle trekking and more. Sports can promote strong muscles strong and improve blood circulation. As we all know, exercise can help us to release our stress and unwind ourselves. Moreover, we can keep our body in shape and lose weight.

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short speech on health

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Health is wealth. We keep guards to protect our wealth from thieves. Similarly we should protect our health from disease. Physical exercise guards our health. Good health is impossible without proper exercise. Physical exercise prevents the attack of disease. There are some diseases which can be cured through physical exercise.

Different people do different exercises. It depends upon their physical constitution and their likings. Morning walk and evening walk are recommended for all. But those who have weak constitutions are advised not to go for gymnastics.

Free-hand exercises can be easily practiced by all. In schools and colleges, there are facilities for outdoor games. The brain of the students will be free and can receive anything whenever they begin to read anything.

In villages, some rural sports are played. Those include kho-kho, kabadi, monkey-dance on trees etc. Young boys climb trees to collect fruits. These kinds of games and habits serve for exercises. Boating and riding are also good examples of exercise. Playing football, hockey and cricket in school and college has become very popular. In advanced age, people should adopt morning walk in order to keep themselves active.

Mental work has increased for modern man. He does more mental work and less of physical work. In this way he ruins his body. He becomes easy victim to different ailments. Only physical exercise can help him in being healthy. It is a matter of grief that the scope for physical exercise is gradually decreasing.

Students are busy in preparing for competitive examinations. They are not paying attention to their health. They believe that only good food can keep them healthy. But it is a wrong idea. They can be healthy and strong" in true sense, if they do regular physical exercise.

You can add some of these points.

Hope it helps!!

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Good afternoon teacher and all my fellow classmates.
Today, I would like to talk and with you all on a very important topic that is health is wealth. If you sit much of the time, for most of the days and months, you are like a fish that does not swim and a bird that does not fly. If this goes on, naturally the lazy fish and bird will not live healthy live, and neither will all of us. Long time ago, our great, great grandparents kept strong and fit in their livelihood by hunting and farming, which included ploughing, planting, harvesting, and running after the same fishes and birds. Today, most people suffer from all different kind of diseases like high blood pressure, gout, heart attack and stress-related disease which cost the world billions of dollars. The world should now stop eating and sleeping like a pig, and take on some exercises.Our topic today is about health is wealth. In fact, health is, at any moment in time, more important than wealth. We will appreciate health more if financial is the only thing we have left. When we talk about health is wealth. It is part of happiness, and with it, we can live longer, acquire more wealth, and contribute to society. In sickness, everything goes haywire. Those who overlook health in their quest for wealth usually end up losing both. For a sports champion, health is their number one priority in their life. Even for a TV star, an air pilot, a doctor, a school teacher, or anybody at all, health is second to none. As we gradually moving on with the good habits of exercise, taking good healthy food and rest, we will experience changes in ourselves. Our outlook will be positive, our mind will be alert, our eyes will sparkle with enthusiasm and intelligence, and we will live a most meaningful life.The truth is good health does not take care of itself, and if we think it will, we may well lose it. We should exercise everyday and do some...
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Health is wealth. There is nothing in our life which is more valuable than good health. Without health there is no happiness, no peace and no success. A person with bad health cannot enjoy the pleasure of being wealthy.
When we are ill or we do not want to play or work. Our bad health robs us of sound sleep and appetite. Life becomes a burden for one who is constantly ailing. Life has little charm for him. He feels tired of life, always complaining about one thing or the other. On the other hand, one with good health enjoys his life. When he works or plays he is never tired. A healthy person enjoys good food and sound sleep. For him the world is beautiful and life is all joy. He sings the glory of life and works hard to realize his dreams. He never complains. He is always happy and cheerful. He may be poor, he may have to work very hard to earn his living, but even the richest man would envy him for his good health.
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speech on world health day
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Spent some time on writing it on ur own....dont be lazy...pls do take it as a good advice Sincere regards....
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