speech on empowering girl child is the best way to empower the nation

Worthy judges, teachers and dear students

Today I, stand before you to speak on "Empowering the Girl Child is the Best Way to Empower the Nation" on the occasion of Women's Day today.

I submit that a woman sits at the centre of a family. If she is educated and enlightened about everything she can take the family forward socially, economically and of course, morally. If a family progresses this way, a district progresses, a state progresses, and finally the country progresses.

You'll agree with me that such a stage of complete progress due to a woman is yet to be gained. However, I feel strongly that we have discarded many age-old superstitions and beliefs against a girl child, like she is a burden etc. Discrimination against a girl child still takes place in villages but not much in cities. Then there is a whole range of discriminatory practices including female foeticide, female infanticide, son idolization, early marriage and dowry.

But as the time passes such things are left behind. You'll agree with me if I say that today women are not behind men in any way. There are women entrepreneurs, pilots, doctors, army officers, planners, politicians and what not. They have truly shown their worth. It is all due to government policies like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan or 'Education for All'. Today's woman has woken up to her rights and responsibilities. I wonder how many of you are aware that we have amongst us the most powerful women in the world as the President and Smt. Sonia Gandhi as chairperson of UPA. But much is to be done though we have more girl schools, colleges, universities, etc. Since women are equal partners in every way, they need to be recognized as indispensable and equal. Their being empowered will mean empowering the nation.

Thank you very much.


Hope this helps... :D

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 Empowering the Girl Child is the Best Way to Empower the Nation

“When you educate a man, you educate an individual, but when you educate a woman, you educate a nation”. 

Johnetta Cole’s words have been repeated throughout history innumerable times, but do we understand their importance? 

Girls need to be empowered because of the responsibilities they take in society.  Girls need to be empowered to unlock their intelligence and greatness.  Girls need to be empowered because they are capable of changing this world for the better.

When girls are empowered, they can break the chains of poverty.  Girls will fuel the economy and encourage national growth.  Educating and emboldening girls will help them to know how they can bring change.  When she stays in school, a girl can earn and be independent enough to live responsibly and mindfully.  She can pass her knowledge and wisdom on to others and build a nation of dynamic, happy and fulfilled people.  But all of this will happen only if girls are protected and educated.  Quoting the novelist Isabelle Allende, “Giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income and inherit and own property benefits the society.  If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off.  The family prospers, the village prospers, and so does eventually the whole country.  For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world and of our nation.”

Now is the time to make fundamental changes in our mindsets.  Now is the time for our generation to wake up and achieve what no one ever has.  Now is the time for us to be in control of our lives and what we are known for.  Now is the time for people to enrich themselves by recognizing each individual as a person and not as belonging to a particular facet of society.  The prosperity of our nation lies in our hands, and we can bring prosperity only if we practice equality in regard to gender. 

Every person can practice equality in small ways that might go unnoticed, but will make a big difference in the end.  We can go to village schools to educate rural girls about their rights.  We can conduct workshops to increase awareness about the problems girls face every day.  We can start organizations like to give girls a better life.  Every person counts.  Every girl counts.  When you save a girl’s life, you save the life of a nation, let her be an infant, a five-year-old, or even a teenager.  Because, as Dr. Seuss has said in one of his books, “Even if you can’t hear or see them at all, a person’s a person, no matter how small!”

Thank you.



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Sorry, my last answer was unedited.


Empowering the Girl Child is the Best Way to Empower the Nation


“When you educate a man, you educate an individual, but when you educate a woman, you educate a nation”. 


Johnetta Cole’s words have been repeated throughout history innumerable times, but do we understand their importance? 


Girls need to be empowered because of the responsibilities they take in society.  Girls need to be empowered to unlock their intelligence and greatness.  Girls need to be empowered because they are capable of changing this world for the better.


When girls are empowered, they can break the chains of poverty.  Girls will fuel the economy and encourage national growth.  Educating and emboldening girls will help them to know how they can bring change.  When she stays in school, a girl can earn and be independent enough to live responsibly and mindfully.  She can pass her knowledge and wisdom on to others and build a nation of dynamic, happy and fulfilled people.  But all of this will happen only if girls are protected and educated.  Quoting the novelist Isabelle Allende, “Giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income and inherit and own property benefits the society.  If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off.  The family prospers, the village prospers, and so does eventually the whole country.  For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world and of our nation.”


Now is the time to make fundamental changes in our mindsets.  Now is the time for our generation to wake up and achieve what no one ever has.  Now is the time for us to be in control of our lives and what we are known for.  Now is the time for people to enrich themselves by recognizing each individual as a person and not as belonging to a particular facet of society.  The prosperity of our nation lies in our hands, and we can bring prosperity only if we practice equality in regard to gender. 

Every person can practice equality in small ways that might go unnoticed, but will make a big difference in the end.  We can go to village schools to educate rural girls about their rights.  We can conduct workshops to increase awareness about the problems girls face every day.  We can start organizations to help girls lead better lives.  Every person counts.  Every girl counts.  When you save a girl’s life, you save the life of a nation, let her be an infant, a five-year-old, or even a teenager.  Because, as Dr. Seuss has said in one of his books, “Even if you can’t hear or see them at all, a person’s a person, no matter how small!”

Thank you.



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Thank you
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First of all I would like to say good morning to all my teachers and friends. I would like to say thank to my class teacher to give me this opportunity to speech in front of you at this great occasion. I would like to speech on women empowerment in India. As we gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I chose this topic to again raise this issue of gender inequality in front of you. The government and other private institutions are supporting women in the leadership positions in public sector. Leadership of women in the public sector is the key of development in the nation. Representing women in public sector is only the matter of justice however it needs to bring forward all the perspectives to make of women empowerment effective. Women and men both have unique and different experiences so both are important to bring influence into the decision making process. Equalising the rights of women and men in the society improves work quality and thus economic status of the nation.

Women empowerment is the key to strengthen their participation in the decision-making which is the most important key to socio-economic development. According to the data of research, it has been noted that empowering women acts as a potential which accelerates the economic growth and continue development. We should think about and need to discuss that how our cultural, traditional and social rules affect women leadership so that we all may break that. There is a social, cultural and home pressure on the women which acts as main issue to the gender equality. There is lots of pressure over women by the parents, society and they forced to be main caregiver and care taker of all family members. Such pressure in the society and home lowers down the career ambitions of women than men.

According to the research, it has been found during the discussion to women at higher positions that they cannot share and discuss their role or work at home with family members or husbands. They feel uncomfortable to share their feelings with them about their senior leadership position. According to the survey of top 50 women leaders throughout the Asia, there are three main challenges to the rise of women in leadership in Asia “Constraints of Family Life”, “Organizational Policies and Practices that Favour Men over Women”, and “Cultural Barriers”.

Women leadership is restricted by the various social, cultural and political norms which need to be understood and addressed. First of all we need to address all the social inequalities hindering women’s advancement in order to change women situation in the society as well as nation. I would like to encourage my colleagues and friends gathered here to discuss this issue in their family and community to explore all the barriers restricting women advancement in order to enhance the women’s leadership in every area like men. Men too with women need to engage in all social and cultural norms to encourage combined participation as well as create equitable environment in home, office and community.

Thank You
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you an check on google
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"Empowerment is not about doing the same thing the same way in the same environment. It's about building the man and the woman and doing so with a view to creating better citizens and, by extension, better patriots in this society of ours." so good morning respected PRINCIPAL,VICE PRINCIPAL, TEACHER, JUDGES AND ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS.
It is crystal clear that empowering girl child is the need of hour or present day scenario. Education of girl child has been a priority with the government of India. 
Education of the girl is more important as she not only build the home, but all routine and responsibility are completed by her.  That's why empowering the girl child is the best way to empower the nation.
I would like to end my speech by saying
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Thanks a lot guys
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It is crystal clear that empowering girl child is the need of hour or present day scenario.Education of girl child has been a high priority with the govt.of India.According to the RIGHT TO EDUCATIONact,every child of the age of 6-14 years shall have a right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till competition of elementary education.For the success of Sarva Shiksha Abhayan or the education for all, the education of a girl child is the must. No doubt,girls deserve a better deal from society as the are getting, at present.It is said by society that girls are no way inferior to boys.But what are they getting from the society?A whole range of discriminatory practices including female foeticide,female infanticide,early marriage and dowry, which have buried the future of girl child.It seems very difficult to empower the girl child.Our society is still suffering many weaknesses.Intend of giving them education,they are being subjected to sufferings under likes of Purdah System.Twelve million girls are born every year but, unfortunately one third them survive.Some are killed in the womb,some at the time of birth,some die due to poor health and some die due to nutritional status.We have to remember this reality that educated girl can shoulder any kind responsibility.See the example of Kalpana Chawala,Kiran Bedi,Sonia Gandhi and so on..................every one has earned a name in the society.For the success of any person,,,,education plays an important role.

Education for the girls is more important as she not only builds the home, but all routine responsibilities are completed by her.Today's girl child will be the mother of tomorrow.In ancient time, girl's education played significant place in the society.Gargi Mitreyi played very encouraging role in spreading the education to a great extent.That is why, empowering the girl child is the best way to empower the nation.at lastTEACH A GIRL:EDUCATE A NATION......
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Hello friends goodmorning to all.today i am going to delivered a speech on the topic empowering girl child is the best way to empower the nation.friends when we talk about literacy rate of girl child so all the nations became not developed. If we educate agirl child mr then
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explain peroidicity
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