speech on 'sati system' and child marriage (against the motion)

Dear Student, 

A short note on "Sati" and "Child marriage" are as follows:

Sati: Sati was a Dear Studentndu custom in India in which the widow was burnt to ashes on her dead husband's pyre. Basically the custom of Sati was believed to be a voluntary Dear Studentndu act in which the woman voluntary decides to end her life with her husband after his death. But there were many incidences in which the women were forced to commit Sati, sometimes even dragged against her wish to the lighted pyre. This custom was more dominant among the warrior communities in north India, especially in Rajasthan and also among the higher castes in Bengal in east India. Among the Rajputs of Rajasthan, who gave lot of importance to valor and self sacrifice, wives and concubines of the nobles even committed suicide, when they came to know that their beloved died in battlefield. In other parts of India it was comparatively low. And among the majority of Indian communities it did not exist at all. 

Child Marriage:A practice in which a child(a girl or a boy) married before marriageable age or the age of puberty is called child marriage.It is more common in case of girls.It is closely related to problem of poverty.Parents marry their girls childs out of economic necessity.This practice leaves harmful consequences which include separation from family and friends, lack of freedom to interact with peers and participate in community activities, and decreased opportunities for education. Child marriage can also result in bonded labour or enslavement, commercial sexual exploitation and violence against the victims. Because they cannot abstain from sex or insist on condom use, child brides are often exposed to such serious health risks as premature pregnancy, sexual- ly transmitted infections and, increasingly, HIV/AIDS.

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Sati is a very famous practice of the past.Sati was a religious funeral practice among some Indian communities in which a recently widowed woman would have immolated herself on her husband’s funeral pyre.The term is derived from the original name of the goddess Sati, also known as Dakshayani, who self-immolated because she was unable to bear her father Daksha's humiliation of her (living) husband Shiva. The term may also be used to refer to the widow herself. The term sati is now sometimes interpreted as "chaste woman."

Child marriage and child betrothals customs occur in various times and places, whereby children are given in matrimony - before marriageable age as defined by the commentator and often before puberty.It is frequently associated with arranged marriage. In some cases only one marriage-partner is a child, usually the female, due to importance placed upon female virginity, the inability of women to work for money and to women's shorter reproductive life period relative to men's. An increase in the advocacy of human rightss, whether as women's rights or as children's rights, has caused traditions of child marriage to decrease in many areas.

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