Speech on the effective measures to check the pollution

Measures to control air pollution:

Some control measures for air pollution are:

1. Plantation:

More and more trees should be planted every year.

2. Alternative Sources of Energy:

It is suggested that alternative sources of energy should be used.

3. Refined Natural Gas:

Use of unleaded petrol and compressed natural gas (CNG) should be encouraged for automobiles.

4. Shifting of Industries:

Industries should be shifted from residential areas to industrial areas.

5. Establishment of Automobile Traffic Control Areas:

Some roads should be reserved exclusively for automobile traffic. On the other hand, congested roads and lanes should be declared as automobile traffic control area.

6. Use of Bicycles:

For local purposes, the use of bicycles should be encouraged. China is the best example in this context.

7. Electric Trains:

Electric trains may also be helpful for commuters from suburban areas. It will reduce the rush in local buses and also control air pollution.

8. Pollution Check of Vehicles:

Pollution of vehicles should be checked seriously. There should be ban on old vehicles after 10 years.

9. Environmental Impact Assessment:

Environmental impact assessment should be carried out regularly to identify and evaluate the potential and harmful impacts of industries on environment.

10. Strict Action:

Government should take strict action against those industries which discharge higher quality of pollutants than the level prescribed by the State Pollution Control Board.

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