summary on novel story of my life helen keller

A detailed summary of the novel The Story of my Life has been uploaded on the Meritnation website. Please check and let us know if you face any problem.


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The book THE STORY OF MY LIFE by Helen Keller is an inspiring & an examplary autobiographical account of agirl who, inspite of being handicapped by blindness & deafness, conquered her disabilities & stood the test of time & came out winning. It records important events in Helen's life. She fulfilled things which were not considered to be in the reach of disabled persons but only for abled persons. ANNE SULLIVAN proved to be strong helping hands. Her constant support & underlying encouragement made Helen kiss success.  It gives us a message that if 1 is determined, 1 can achieveanything in life. Nothing is impossible for a person with stong will power & a clear cut goal.

Hope this will help!!!!Happy to help!!!!!!!

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