ten sentence on importance of education in sanskrit

Sanskrit Remains The Supreme Language But even while other languages were taking shape, Sanskrit continued to be the vehicle of creative and all other scholarly work.
The sheer volume of work in Sanskrit is formidable. With the Vedas was laid the foundation stone of Vedic literature and all Sanskrit literature thereafter. From religion and philosophy to grammar, phonetics, etymology, lexicography, astronomy, astrology, sociology, politics, arts and aesthetics, Sanskrit ruled. Sanskrit is also the language of India’s two most talked about epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Puranas are perhaps the most interesting collection of works in Sanskrit. There are 18 major books, the Bhagavad Gita being among them, and numerous minor ones. The Puranas contain all the fodder for stories about the Hindu gods and goddesses.


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i mean 10 sentences in sanskrit about importance of education

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