the speech about say no to plastic

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environmental pollution is one of the most malignant and serious problem that the entire world is confronted with. burning of polythehe bags is one of the reasons of this. burning of plastics emit harmful and suffocating gas  like carbon monoxide,sulphur dioxide which ultimately pollute the environment and cause dreadful diseases like asthama,bronchitis etc. they are non biodegradable as such they can not be destroyed .even if they are buried or dumped  they can not be acted upon by microorganisms resulting in pollution of land too. their accumulation leads to blockage of drains.they spoil the food items if kept in plastic bags and adversely affect our its high time that we wake up from our deep slumber and take an oath to  avoid using plasic bags to make our earth a  neat and green place to live in

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see in bbc level 6 pg no 257

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the saynottoplastic

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 article on say not to plastic

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 god knows

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