the speed of sound in water is 1500m/s. how far away from the under sea rock should a deep sea diverbe, so that he canhear his own echo? the diver hears echa in 3 sec..............

Speed of sound in water, v = 1500 m/s

Let the distance between the man and the sea rock be ‘d’. So, in 3 s the sound travels ‘2d’ and come back to the man so he hears an echo.


vt = 2d

= > 1500 × 3 = 2d

= > d = 2250 m

Thus, the distance between the man and the sea rock is 2250 m or 2.25 km.

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Distance = Velocity*Time

Echo Is Reflected Sound So It Covers 2*Distance

So we have

2d = v*t

2d = 1500*3

2d = 4500

d = 2250m or 2.25km

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