There are 400 cardboard boxes in a truck .Total mass is 3540 kkg.The mass of one large box is 12 kg and mass of small one is 5kg.Ratio of no. of large boxes to small boxes?


Let ,Total number of large boxes  =  x
Total number of small boxes  =  y

So, from first condition , we get

x  + y  =  400  ---------------- ( 1 )
From second condition , we get
12x  + 5y  =  3540  ------------------ ( 2 )

Now we multiply by 5 in equation 1 , and get

5x  + 5y  =  2000  ------------------- (  3 )

Now we subtract equation 3 from equation 2 , and get

7x  =  1540

x  =  220 , Substitute that value in equation 1 , we get

220 + y =  400

y  =  180
So ,
Total number of large boxes  = 220
Total number of small boxes  = 180
Total large boxesTotal small boxes = 220180 = 119 , So

Total number of Large boxes  :  Total number of Small boxes  =  11 :  9  ( Ans )

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