there was a pause .nicola was glaring at his young brother in vexation .we couldnt think of troubling you sir.
why was nicola glaring at his brother?
what favour did his younger brother ask of the narrator?
​what does the word mean vexation ?

Dear Student

The answer given by Jeni Kamani is correct. Kindly take care of grammatical errors and punctuation.
Also Vexation means to be in a state of being annoyed, frustrated or worried.


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Nicola was glaring at his younger brother in vexation becoz he was asking for a favour from a stranger which was against their swlf respect.The younger brother jacopo asked the narrator if he could drive them to poleta in his car on sunday.vexation means in pain.
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nicola glared at his brother as he don't want the author to know about the secrets.
his younger brother asked the author to help them reach poleta 30km from verona...
something that worries or annoys
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