Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are, respectively,

13 cm and 17 cm in length. If the length of the diagonal
passing through their point of intersection is 20 cm, then
area of the parallelogram is closest to (take root30 = 5.5)

Dear Student!

ABCD is a Parallelogram.

AB = CD = 17cm

(opposite sides of the parallelogram are equal)

and AD = BC = 13cm

(opposite sides of the parallelogram are equal)

Area of ΔABC = Area of ΔACD


(A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two triangles of equal area)

Area of ΔABC can be evaluated using Heron's formula.

Let a = 17 cm, b = 13 cm and c = 20 cm.

Semi-perimeter of ΔABC, S =

Area of ΔABC

(Heron's formula)

Area of parallelogram ABCD = Area of ΔABC + Area of ΔACD

= 2 × Area of ΔABC

= 40 × 5.5 cm2

= 220

Thus, the area of parallelogram is closest to 220 cm2.


  • 8

A //gm ABCD with adjacent sides 13 cm and 17 cm and the length of the diagonal=20 cm.Let AB=17CM and AD=13cm.

In triangle ABD,AB=17cm,AD=13cm and BD=20cm.Semi-perimeter of this triangle=(17+13+20)/2=25cm.

Using Heron's Formula we can find the area of triangle ABD.The area is 10*square root of 30

It's given that sq.rt. of 30=5.5.So 10*sqrt. of 30=10*5.5=55 cm^2.

The area of a traingle is half that of a //gm on the same base.So the area of the //gm=2*55=110cm^2.

Hope it helps!

  • 0

sorry its the wrong answer!!!!

  • -1

 it should be 220cm2

  • 0

Oops my calculation went wrong!Thanks for telling the  right ans.

  • 0
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